It takes considerable time, effort and finances to build a Retaining Wall. India requires an investment of about Trillions of Rupees for Sustainable Growth henceforth. With scarcity of plain lands for infrastructure development, one can imagine the quantum of Retaining Walls that will be consequently needed to accomplish the desired infrastructure development across India. Retaining Walls have now become an integral element in infra development and cannot be avoided.
Owing to the stereotyped design and construction techniques adopted in conventional Retaining Walls, lots of resources in the form of concrete, steel, men, material and money, amounting to thousands of crores of rupees, get locked up. Hence any cost reduction in the construction of Retaining Walls, especially the high ones, is welcome, as the same equity can be fruitfully channelized towards other infrastructure development.
Conforms to IS, IRC, and Global Standards.
Ensures stability in both static and seismic conditions.
Customized to suit every site with upto 40% cost savings.
HBRW requires less space to accommodate resulting in saving in earthwork also.
Utilizes available backfill material, resulting in cutting further costs and logistics.
Cost-effective solutions for walls up to 25m have been catered successfully till date