The traditional deep foundations such as pile foundations are typically costly and take a long time. Some projects executed using our INNO-SCHEME technology avoided the deep foundation and the foundations of the industrial structure were rested at a shallower depth without any failure or settlement in the long run. It saves the construction time and saves cost without compromising safety and durability.
Because of our soil improvement methods, we can rest the structure foundations at shallow depths even in filled up areas. This adds great value to the project where the soil condition of the site is treacherous.
The INNO-SCHEME technology is applied as per the attributes of each project site. We alter the methodology based on the our kind of construction material availability in the vicinity of the project. Therefore, the approach is also efficient and environmentally compatible with minimal resource wastage.
Our soil improvement technology “Sumedha Inno-Scheme” actually reduces the deep excavation and pile foundations, therefore reducing the costs and minimizing the impacts on the environment. It reduces the consumption of concrete and steel and therefore, is sustainable for modern construction projects.